Psychotherapeutic group

                       Psychotherapist Maryna Svitasheva Ph.D., OACCPP member,
                                                           Invites you to
                     (with a dynamic)
             Working on trauma-related issues (history of painful relationship, traffic accidents, eating issues, anxiety, phobias, difficulties in communication, etc.)
                               12 sessions
                      Starting in September
             One two-hour session per week
                    On Saturday afternoon
                      Cost $10 per session
   Preliminary individual free meetings will take place in August
                        310 Danforth ave.

    To make an appointment call  416-886-9392

       The benefits of the group therapy
       # It is much easier (than going through the individual therapy) to transfer your new healthy experience – developed in the group – to your every day social life.
      # The therapeutic process is continuing for you even when the therapist is not focused on you directly.
      # The members of the therapeutic group are supposed to be active participants, not passive listeners. Nevertheless you participate in the process in your own emotionally affordable way.
      # Dealing with others’ feelings and experience may be as much beneficial as therapeutic work on your own experience. Therapist’s support is guaranteed.
      # Finally – group therapy is much more affordable financially.
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