After my positive experience with the Therapeutic Group working on trauma-related issues I announce  two new groups: one - for people who struggle  with different sequences of the traumatic experience (either the painful relationships or some accidents); another one - for people who have some relational difficulties at their working places. This group will be smaller and will work on the problems which are relatively resemble.
   Those people who contacted me regarding the first (September-December) group but did not participate that time - are well come. At the preliminary meeting you may ask more questions, express more hesitations, have more my comments...

                                  Psychotherapist Maryna Svitasheva Ph.D.,   OACCPP member,
                                                                        Invites you                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

                                  A  THERAPEUTIC  GROUP                                            
                                        working on trauma-related issues   

                                         (history of painful relationship,                                                
                                         traffic or other accident,                                                          
                                                  eating issues,                                                                          
                                 experiencing anxiety, guilt or shame)                                         

                                                           14 sessions $280                                                                             
                                              Starting on February 9                                                                    
                                       One 2 ½  hour session per week                                                    
                                      On Saturday 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm                                                    
                                                 310 Danforth ave.                                                                            
                                            (Chester subway station)                                                              

                                          To make an appointment for                                                          
                                           a preliminary individual                                                                   
                                                free meeting call                                                                                


Psychotherapist Maryna Svitasheva Ph.D.,   OACCPP member
Invites you to


working on issues related to

the social experience

(difficulties in communication
with co-workers,
employers,  employees,
feeling uncomfortable in public,
official or informal situations.)

12 sessions $360
Starting on February 16
One 2  hour session per week
On Saturday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
310 Danforth ave.
(Chester subway station)

To make an appointment for
a preliminary individual
free meeting call

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